
Huggorm i 1685 års FASS

Inte författaren men en samtida kollega: Den kunglige apotekaren Moses Charas återgiven i hans Pharmacopœia (Frankrike 1673). Eftersom Salmon har inte med några illustrationer.

Rubrikens ”FASS” är en vanvördig och trubbig översättning och sammanfattning av William Salmons Pharmacopœia Londinensis or, the New London Dispensatory (första utgåvan 1678, den jag hittat 1685). Att receptsamlingen är på engelska – ”translated into English for the Publick Good” – var ingalunda självklart, då latin var det synnerligen etablerade språket i branschen.

I farmakopéns liber II ägnas femte kapitlet åt orm. Det var så intressant att jag återger ett längre stycke. Jag har som synes lämnat den härliga stavningen intakt eftersom den är läsbar. Vilka termer som behöver förklaras, och hur mycket, kan man ju tycka olika om – flera vore värda egna bloggposter. Varsego.

In the Viper there is nothing venomous but the Head and Gall: The Flesh, Liver and Bones have no Poyson in them.

1. The Head of the Viper is used as an Amulet, to be hung around the Neck, to cure a Quinsie [peritonsillit eller halsböld].

2. The Flesh is hot and dry [inte bokstavligt, det är alkemiska egenskaper som avses]: and purges the whole Body by Sweat; and being eaten or drunk, it cures the French-Pox [syfilis], and the Leprosie.

3. The Broth of them performs the same thing, eating half a Viper at once, and fasting five or six hours after it; soalso they cure all old Ulcers and Fistula's, clears the Eyesight, help the palsy [blandade förlamningar], and strengthen the Nerves.

3. The Ashes of their Heads mixt with a thick Decoction of bitter Lupius [har ej lyckats identifiera], and used as an Oyntment to the Temples, stops Rheums [gojset i ögonvrån] falling into the eyes, and helps their Dimness, and is an excellent thing against St Anthonys Fire [Antoniuseld var samlingsnamn för sjukor som präglades av hudrodnad, smärta och kallbrand]. The Fat or Grease mixt with Honey, is an excellent thing to clear the sight.

6. The whole Viper in powder (the Head and Gall excepted) cures perfectly the Gout, Kings Evil [skrofler, barntuberkulos], taken twice a day to ℥ij [två uns, knappt 50 gram] or more.

7. Oleum Viperarum, ℞ [Rx = recept] Black Vipers ℔iij [tre pund] Oyl of Sessamin [sesam] ℔ij [två pund], boyl them in a close Glaß, till the flesh falls from the Bones; or you may make an Oyl of them by Descention [?]. It Cures the Gout, Palsie and Leprosie, cleanses the skin, and helps all the Defects thereof.

8. Viper Wine. It is made by drowning live Vipers in the Wine. It Cures Leprosies and the French Pox.

9. Powder of Vipers Compound. It is made as that of Serpents, and has all the same Virtues.

10. Quintessence of Vipers. It is made as we have taught in our Dor. Med. [Doron Medicon (1683)] Lib. 2. Chap 8. Sect 2. and is very powerful against Leprosies, the French Pox and all Impurities of the Flesh and Blood.

11. Essentia Viperarum. ℞ Of the Livers and Hearts of Vipers, ana. dry and bruise them, and Extract a Tincture in 7 days with S. V. rectified: to ℔j. [1] of this Tincture add of the fixed Salt ſs [ett halvt uns], mixed with the Flegm and Spirit of Vipers, drawn off by distillation; of the Volatile Salt j. digest till they are united; so have you a most ennobled Essence of Vipers, powerful to all the aforesaid intentions. Dose ad ij [två skrupler à ca 1,2 gram – och japp, det är ”det” ordet]. It is a most excellent Medicine, Dissolves all Excrements and Coagulations of Humors, Dissolving, Purifying and Cleansing like Soap; carrying out every ill by Urine, Sweat or insensible Transpiration, curing all sorts of Gouts, the Stone in both Reins and Bladder, Leprosie, French Pox, Scurvy, Melancholy, all Obstructions and Putrefactions, loss of Strength, decays of Nature and Consumption [tuberkulos], so that as it were, it even renovates a Man, by taking away what is contrary to Nature, and adding what is requisite.

12. Spirit, Oyl Volatile and fixed Salt of Vipers. ℞ Dryed Vipers with the Liver and Hearts, cut and gently bruise them, put them into a Retort, from which distil gradatim [gradvis, som man kunde gissa] into a large Receiver; so have you a flegm and spirit, and then a Volatile salt, sticking to the neck of the Retort, and sides of the Receiver; and at the last a thick, stinking Oyl, which seperate. Purify the Volatile salt in a long glass, and sublime it by an Alembick [enkel destillationsapparat] in sand, with a gentle fire, least any humidity should follow, as is usual if the fire be increased. This Salt is wonderful piercing and volatile, and therefore ought to be kept close in a glasss, with a glass stopper: from the Caput Mortuum [”dödskalle”, återstoden när man destillerat klart] you may make a fixed Salt the common way. The Volatile Salt and Spirit, are wonderful Medicines, they resist Putrefaction, open all obstructions, cure Quartans [malaria som ger feber var fjärde dag, ”fyrdagarsfeber”], and all sorts of Feavers, given an hour before the Fit, in a convenient Vehicle, to allay the sharpness, as in the Emulsion of Almonds with a little rose and Cinamon-water and white Sugar, Dose of the Volatile Salt is à gr. vj. ad x, or xij of the fixed à ſs ad j or ℥ſs. The biting of the Viper is mortal, and kills within 3 days at farthest, if not speedily cured: the poyson is Universal, as if the body was set on fire, with Convulsions, Weakness, cold Sweat, Vomiting, and then Death: at first the poyson may be sucked out, by applying the Anus of a Hen to the part after Scarification, or else a Plaister [plåster] of Garlick, Onions, and Venice Treacle [teriak från Venedig, populär variant av tidens undermedel nr 1], drinking French Wine, Garlick Broth, and taking Mithredate [annat populärt undermedel], Bezoar [stenliknande föremål som kan bildas i magsäcken; högt ansedda som motgift], Mineral and Myrrh, …

Pharmacopœia:n finns att läsa i sin helhet på Google Books, liksom säkert på andra ställen.

Kuriosa: Att man skrev tre uns ”℥iij” istället för ”℥iii” lär ha berott på att försvåra ändringar i efterhand. Spontant tänker jag att man enkelt skulle kunna få ett effektivare skydd mot sådant, hur stort nu problemet var.

Obs: Tala med läkare eller apotekspersonal innan du använder något av preparaten som beskrivs … :-)

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