
Anpassad verklighet

Det aktuella området just nu i maps.yandex.com. Ukraina i svagt grönt, Ryssland i rosa. Sett från en svensk IP-adress är Krim fortfarande Ukraina.

Efter att ha gått igenom några olika kartritares hantering av Krims nationalitet nämner Russia Today ("Husbondens röst") en anpassad lösning:

"But Russian search giant Yandex has had the most original solution so far - to display Crimea's belonging in a fashion appropriate to the geographical area from which Yandex Maps is viewed. This will be done, as is currently on different websites, by recognizing the user's IP address."

 - 'We map the world as it is:' National Geographic maps Crimea as part of Russia, RT News 19 mars 2014

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