The snake oil peddler became a stock character in Western movies: a traveling "doctor" with dubious credentials, selling fake medicines with boisterous marketing hype, often supported by pseudo-scientific evidence. To increase sales, an accomplice in the crowd (a shill) would often attest to the value of the product in an effort to provoke buying enthusiasm. The "doctor" would leave town before his customers realized they had been cheated.- Wikipedia: Snake oil
Den sistnämnda meningen torde vara en myt, ett påhitt i efterhand. För ytterst få kvackare har avslöjats av sina kunder.
Här ett fynd från Norra Skåne 23 februari 1888:
5 kommentarer:
Det här är från Crackeds författare Coville i en artikel om "Awesome things with inexplicably bad reputation".
"If you were sick back in 19th century America, your options were limited. The germ theory of disease hadn't caught on yet, and the ACA website was even slower than it is now. So it wasn't uncommon for salesmen to travel the country selling bottled "miracle tonics," which they touted as a cure for everything from muscle aches to syphilis. A common ingredient in these tonics was snake oil, because apparently grinding up rattlesnakes was less work than just filling the bottles with morphine or something. Unsurprisingly, these snake-based tonics were less useful than the bottles they were sold in, and the term "snake-oil salesman" soon caught on as a name for anyone selling a phony product. The tonic pushers didn't just dream up the concept while cleaning out their grill after a snake barbecue: They got the idea from Chinese immigrants to America in the 1800s, who at the time were using their own version of snake oil. So in other words, the deathly reach of Big Snake Oil was global.
The Reality:
Well, that's what everyone assumed until someone finally got around to testing the original version of the oil, which is still in use in China. The tests showed it to be incredibly high in omega-3 fatty acids, which have anti-inflammatory properties and can help with pain. So when Chinese workers told Americans that their magic snake oil was the bee's knees, they were telling the truth.
But if that's the case, why was American snake oil so fucking useless? Well, the Chinese version was made from Chinese water snakes, which as the name implies are not easily found on the American continent. American snake-oil producers either used rattlesnakes, which have much lower omega-3 levels, or simply substituted cow fat. So the next time you call someone a snake-oil salesman for trying to sell you a homeopathic herpes remedy, remember that a more accurate insult would be "19th century entrepreneur without access to a wildlife import license."
Det är en fascinerande hypotes som beskrivs här i Scientific American:
Jag är inte säker på hur man skulle kunna bevisa eller motbevisa den.
Den kinesiska ormoljans effektivitet är en helt annan sak.
En detalj som jag inte tänkt på förut: Som det beskrivs här är den kinesiska oljan väl för invärtes bruk. Åtminstone en del belägg för faktisk skallerormsolja visar att den användes utvärtes.
Mein Sohn hatte einmal das Problem der HIV / AID, die seit Jahren seine Ausbildung betroffen, gab ich ihm verschiedene Medikamente, aber es gab keine Lösung, ich das Netz zu suchen und ich fand den Kontakt von einem Arzt, der mich mit seinem Produkt helfen HIV beim Härten / AIDS, Krebs <HERPES, HEP B, er Epilepsie Problem und andere tödliche Krankheiten, versicherte mir auch, dass es sich um eine dauerhafte Heilung ist, das Medikament mein Sohn für nur 2 Wochen in Anspruch nahm, und er war wieder normal. er jetzt getan hat fine.I alles dank Dr. Ariba jetzt geben Sie mir die glücklichste Person aus einem solchen Problem zu helfen, bin auf der Erde seit zwei Jahren für das Sehen mein Sohn besser zu machen kann ihn auch in Verbindung treten auf , oder Sie können anrufen oder whatsApp auf +2348140439497 auch. und erhalten Sie das Produkt.
Heh. Någon trodde att denna blogg är på tyska. Och funkar för kvackarreklam av grövsta sort.
:-D Och nu lade "Dr Ariba" in lite säljtext. För dödliga sjukdomar (sic), penisförstoring, cancer, HIV/aids eller om man vill ha pojk-/flickvän/make/maka tebax.
Spammare som lyckas en gång tenderar att återkomma. Hade jag fimpat tysken hade "dr Ariba" nog inte dykt upp.
Men det är det klart värt. I en bloggpost om ormolja.
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