This autumn, QI begins airing on Swedish TV. The Swedish series "A" will air on SVT channel one, the Swedish equivalent of BBC, with the well known comic Johan Wester as program host.
Anders Lenhoff, Producer of Sweden's QI, says "Let's just say that I thought QI was a totally brilliant idea the moment I heard it; I share John Lloyd's idea that curiosity, seeking of knowledge and entertaining conversation can lead to a better world. Sort of. If nothing else, there is an appalling lack of curiosity, knowledge and entertaining conversation in the world today. Let's try to change that, in our own small way."
Born in 1964, Anders Lenhoff is one of Sweden's most respected comedy directors and TV producers. He's produced the Swedish version of Have I got News For You [Snacka om nyheter], as well as Sweden's most successful comedy talk show Robins for several years. He also produced the world's first version of Survivor [Expedition Robinson], for which he duly apologises, and has been the director of numerous comedy TV shows, drama series and galas. In 2004 he created, ran and directed the TV drama Kommissionen, which was nominated for Prix d'Europe. Anders has also written a novel, discussed Swedish terrorism on a panel with the Minister of Justice, worked with the least successful Swedish political party leader of all time, made documentaries for Save the Children and raised two daughters with a lot of help.
Anders Lenhoff, Producer of Sweden's QI, says "Let's just say that I thought QI was a totally brilliant idea the moment I heard it; I share John Lloyd's idea that curiosity, seeking of knowledge and entertaining conversation can lead to a better world. Sort of. If nothing else, there is an appalling lack of curiosity, knowledge and entertaining conversation in the world today. Let's try to change that, in our own small way."
Born in 1964, Anders Lenhoff is one of Sweden's most respected comedy directors and TV producers. He's produced the Swedish version of Have I got News For You [Snacka om nyheter], as well as Sweden's most successful comedy talk show Robins for several years. He also produced the world's first version of Survivor [Expedition Robinson], for which he duly apologises, and has been the director of numerous comedy TV shows, drama series and galas. In 2004 he created, ran and directed the TV drama Kommissionen, which was nominated for Prix d'Europe. Anders has also written a novel, discussed Swedish terrorism on a panel with the Minister of Justice, worked with the least successful Swedish political party leader of all time, made documentaries for Save the Children and raised two daughters with a lot of help.
Ifall ni lyckats missa originalet så är QI, "Quite Interesting", ett program i quiz-show-stil där temat är kuriösa frågor. Programledaren Stephen Fry anger tonen, en svår balansgång mellan det intressanta och tv-mässiga. Det ska bli intressant att se hur Wester - "Hipp hipp!"-mannen som vinner i På spåret - lyckas. (Beskrivningen på är lite gammal, gissar att det mystiska A:et var ett arbetsnamn. [Eller, det var det ju inte alls. Bara första säsongen.])
SVT: Humorstjärnor klara för Intresseklubben
Wikipedia: QI
Nja, eftersom säsongerna i brittiska QI är uppdelade alfabetiskt (Series A, B, C etc) så tror jag helt enkelt att svenska motsvarigheten också inleder med en säsong A.
SvaraRadera...A! Det förklarar saken.
SvaraRaderaTyvärr skjuter SVT bredvid målet i första avsnittet av intresseklubben. De missar en stor del av poängen genom att ha en präst som ska verka smart, med uppenbart "scriptade" faktakunskaper. Vad som gör QI så bra är att det ifrågasätter invand tro och gamla sanningar med kunskap baserad i vetenskap.